Swehla/Svehla Family Newsletter

Health New and Updates
Violet's wish
What is a Swehla/Svehla?
Memories of Immigration
First Swehla farmsteads in Iowa
Swehla Family Tree
Reunion 2004
Swehla Profiles
Letter to the Editor
Our Swehla Children's Artwork

Call to Action!
Requesting submissions, photos, documents, stories, weddings, photos, immigrant ancestors, etc., and other useful content to include in future editions.

When I think about the decisions I have made, I wonder at how little thought went into some of them. I usually just decided to go ahead with a plan and hoped it would work out for the best.. Sometimes it did and sometimes it doesn’t, but more often than not, something good comes from it. This is how I went about publishing this family newsletter. At the end of the family reunion, I thought , "I really miss all these people ! What we need is a family newsletter, so we can keep up on each other." Of course the affirmative responses were all followed with a "Yeah, but who would do the work?" To my surprise, I said I
would!. I knew nothing about publishing a news letter, but know I’m a organization freak and knew I could do this, so I am just going to do it! I hope the result will be good for all of us.

I have established relationships with people I had never met before and reestablished friendships with other family members, that drifted away over the years.

In our busy lives and since most family are scattered all over the country and around world, hopefully this newsletter will help us share experiences, laugh and joke around.

Publishing one news letter is one thing, but it will be totally another gathering enough info to publish subsequent issues. So lets make this successful

Send me your Swehla news, if you want it published in the newsletter immediately.

Email address:
Full name:

Editor-Lynn Kimball

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